10:00AM - 11:00AM
Kindergarten- Grade 5 Theme: “We will continue in the Apostolic Doctrine.”
Facilitator: Sister Jidana Cook, Grace Apostolic Church, Minnetonka, MN
Middle School and High School Theme: “Committing ourselves to the teaching of the doctrine.”
Facilitator: Sister Alicia Davis, Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Roseville, MN
Adult Theme: The Angelic Host: Suffragan Bishop Foye,
Facilitator: Suffragan Bishop Charles Foye, Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Roseville, MN
10:00AM - 11:00AM
Planning and Development Session with all MWDDC Superintendents
Description: Round table discussion with the following topics:
Young People
Teaching Strategies to all Audiences
Different learning Styles — What Works
October Council
Facilitator: Deacon Derrick Palmer, MWDDC CEA Chair, Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Roseville, MN
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Parade of Churches